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Does Plyometrics make you taller?

Can Plyometrics Make You Taller

No, you are not going to grow any taller by doing exercises that target your muscles. Exercises will strengthen your specific muscle groups, but they do not affect the density of your bones.

They may even cause some minors changes such as fat deposition on some parts of your body or higher levels of creatine in your blood – this is normal and should go away after a few weeks without doing any intense training.

How Plyometrics assist you in increasing height?

Let’s look at some of the reasons to that makes your taller:

1. Bone growth

Once you are done with puberty, your height is fixed. This means that all the bones in your body have stopped growing, but they are still getting denser and stronger to support the weight of the rest of your body.

2. Water retention

When being active your body looses water especially if you are sweating. This could lead to a 1-2 cm loss in height because the spine and other bones stretch slightly.

3. Muscle strength

The more muscles you have, the stronger you are going to be. Your muscles support your skeleton and when they get stronger, this makes your skeleton work less, leading to less compression of the joints and vertebrae, thus making you taller.

4. Better Movement and Posture:

Finally, the last reason why you might look like your growing is that your spine and other bones could be compacting or lengthening (rare). You see, when the joints in our body move up and down over time these movements result in small changes to how we stand and walk which can make us look taller or shorter.

Can plyometric assist in Height Increase?

Many professional athletes have done plyometric training. They have been doing this for many reasons, but the main one is to increase height and body size.

Plyometrics can be a very effective way of increasing height if practiced consistently over a long period of time. However, it isn’t just by performing plyometric exercises that you will see growth.

The whole purpose of plyometrics is to work the fast-twitch fibers in your muscles. These are the biggest and strongest types of fiber in our body and as such, when they get stronger (by growing or hypertrophy), it can help to make you taller.

Can plyometric assist in Height Increase

Plyometric exercises will also demand a lot from your tendons and ligaments, which hold your bones together. It is the tension these places put on your body that will ultimately make you grow taller as a result of this exercise method.

Browse More on Plyometrics…

  • Does Plyometrics Work? – No. Plyometrics are intense exercises that are there to produce power, and we shared some of the reasons why it’s not recommended as a daily workout.
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  • Plyometrics makes you bulky!!! – Plyometric training alone won’t assist you to gain muscles. We think it’s the opposite. Check out the article to find out why!!!
  • Injuries with Plyometrics – It is possible but rare. These workouts are meant to be done by people who are either fit and healthy. Find out more in article.

However, if stress is not placed correctly or consistently over an adequate period then it can lead to injuries and a decrease in height instead. You see it’s not just as simple as making your muscles work harder, you have to do it correctly.

One of how plyometric exercises can assist you in growing taller is by placing stress on those tendons and ligaments that will cause them to stretch, relax and then contract again. This helps to generate a wave-like muscle contraction that travels through the body and to those bones that will be affected by this height-increasing wave.

This is one of the best methods for increasing your height and even though it may take time, you will feel a difference in how tall and strong you are over time.

How do I increase my height through a natural process?

There is no such thing as a “natural process” that will make you grow taller after your bones have stopped growing. The best way to get taller naturally without drugs or surgery is to utilize the growth you got during puberty and strengthen your muscles and ligaments.

There are some methods and exercises that can make you grow taller faster, but they mostly involve puberty-related growth and strengthening of the bones and ligaments.

What is the best way to get taller naturally without drugs or surgery?

Plyometrics is a great exercise for this and one reason why it helps to increase your height is that during plyometric training your body is forced to place stress on those tendons and ligaments that in turn will cause them to stretch, relax and contract again.

This generates a wave-like muscle contraction that travels through the body and to those bones that are affected by this height-increasing wave. Plyometric exercises will also demand a lot from your fast-twitch fibers which are the biggest and strongest types of fiber in our bodies. As such, when they get stronger (by growing or hypertrophy), it can help to make you taller.

Explore Benefits of Plyometrics…

  • Become Taller with Plyometrics – No, you are not going to grow any taller by doing exercises that target your muscles. But , it can assist, checkout how?
  • Build Muscles with Plyometrics – Checkout article for plyometrics exercises and benefits of it for building muscles.
  • Plyometrics for Long Distance Runners – Plyometric exercises are designed to increase speed, but not for runners who are looking to add distance to their runs. Check it for more information.
  • Increase Speed With Plyometrics – Plyometrics is used to improve the speed and agility of an individual. Check out the actual processes and exercises that benefit you greatly.

Is height totally genetic?

No, height is not entirely genetic. While genes are an important factor in determining height, so are other variables such as diet, hormones and environmental factors.

In fact, with modern scientific advancements, it is now possible to manipulate these factors in a way that can help us appear taller and grow taller.

It is commonly known that the human body has a limit when it comes to height development, but there are some people who have broken this barrier through careful dieting and consistent exercising methods such as plyometrics.

Is height totally genetic

Is it possible to grow taller through drugs?

Yes, it is possible to grow taller through the intake of certain diet pills and supplements that help you increase your height by both promoting growth and improving bone strength. However, while these drugs may be safe for some people they are certainly not recommended for use on children who are still growing, and it is inadvisable to take these drugs for an extended period of time.


Plyometric exercises will increase height if done consistently over a long period. Plyometrics place stress on your tendons and ligaments, which is why it’s important to do them correctly to avoid injury or decrease in height instead. It may take some time before you feel the difference, but plyometrics can be one of the best methods for increasing your height when practiced regularly.