Yes, plyometrics is one of the best ways to build muscle. Plyometrics is a form of exercise that involves repeated, explosive jumping and landing. This type of exercise helps to increase strength, power, and speed. Plyometric exercises also help to improve coordination and balance.
Plyometric exercises are a great way to build muscle because they are very challenging. These exercises require you to use your muscles at a high capacity, which increases the likelihood of hypertrophy.
Plyometrics exercises for Building Muscles
Lets see some plyometrics exercises help to build muscles:
1. Squat Jumps
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and arms out in front of you for balance. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle, and keep your back straight. Then jump as high as you can, landing softly on the ground.
2. Side To Side jumps
Start by standing with your feet together, arms out to your sides for balance. Jump to the right, making sure you are landing softly on the ground. Then jump back to center, and out to the left side.
3. Box Jumps
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, facing a sturdy box or step about knee height. Bend your knees, and lower down into a squat. Explosively jump up onto the box, and then step or jump down.

4. Depth Jumps
Start by standing on a sturdy box or platform that is about 12-18 inches high. Step off of the box and land in a deep squat position. Then jump up as high as you can, landing softly on the ground.
5. Lateral Shuffle
Start by standing with your feet together, arms out to the sides for balance. Then jump to the right side, landing softly on the ground. Step back to center, and then jump over to the left side. Keep jumping from left to right as fast as possible for one minute.
6. Tuck Jumps
Start by standing with your feet together, arms out to the sides for balance. Bend your knees and jump up, tucking your knees into your chest as you do so. Land softly on the ground and repeat.
Browse More on Plyometrics…
- Does Plyometrics Work? – No. Plyometrics are intense exercises that are there to produce power, and we shared some of the reasons why it’s not recommended as a daily workout.
- Is it okay to do Plyometrics Everyday? – No. Plyometrics are intense exercises that are there to produce power, and we shared some of the reasons why it’s not recommended as a daily workout.
- Plyometrics and Cardio are Same? – Yes! Plyometrics can be a form of cardio. They can be considered cardio if done at high intensity. To know more, checkout article.
- Plyometrics makes you bulky!!! – Plyometric training alone won’t assist you to gain muscles. We think it’s the opposite. Check out the article to find out why!!!
- Injuries with Plyometrics – It is possible but rare. These workouts are meant to be done by people who are either fit and healthy. Find out more in article.
7. Power Skips
Start by standing with your feet hip width apart and hands at your sides. Skip as explosively as you can, focusing on bending your knees and using your hamstrings.
8. Broad Jumps
Start by standing with your feet together, arms out to the sides for balance. From a crouched position, jump forward as far as you can. Land softly on the ground and repeat.
These plyometric exercises help to build muscle because they are very challenging. They require you to use your muscles at a high capacity, which increases the likelihood of hypertrophy. Plyometric exercises also improve coordination and balance. If you want to build muscle, then plyometrics is a great option!
Benefits of Building Muscles
Here are some benefits of building muscle;
Improved Physical Strength:
Building muscle enables you to do more physical tasks with ease. For example, if you are having trouble moving boxes because of a lack of building muscle, then adding that extra weight will be much easier.
Faster Running Times:
When you build muscle, your muscles are able to store more glycogen, which enables you to run faster. This is because the extra glycogen allows you to have more energy for your body to use while running at full speed.
Greater Flexibility and Range of Motion:
As you continue to add more muscle, your body becomes more flexible and has a greater range of motion. This is because the added muscle helps to stretch the ligaments and tendons around the joints, which allows for a greater range of motion.
Better Bone Density and Structure:
As you continue to add muscle, your bones grow stronger and denser to support the added weight. This is good because if you have a healthy amount of bone density, then your risk of fracture decreases. In addition, many studies are linking a decrease in bone fracture risks with an increase in muscle mass.

Higher Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR):
Your basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns at rest. The higher this number, the more calories your body is burning every day. This means that you will be able to eat more without gaining weight because your body is constantly burning extra calories.
So now you know that plyometrics is a great way to build muscle and that there are many benefits to having a higher muscle mass. If you are looking for a challenging workout that will improve your strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility, then give plyometrics a try!
What does plyometrics do to muscles?
Explore Benefits of Plyometrics…
- Become Taller with Plyometrics – No, you are not going to grow any taller by doing exercises that target your muscles. But , it can assist, checkout how?
- Build Muscles with Plyometrics – Checkout article for plyometrics exercises and benefits of it for building muscles.
- Plyometrics for Long Distance Runners – Plyometric exercises are designed to increase speed, but not for runners who are looking to add distance to their runs. Check it for more information.
- Increase Speed With Plyometrics – Plyometrics is used to improve the speed and agility of an individual. Check out the actual processes and exercises that benefit you greatly.
Plyometrics is a type of high-intensity workout where you alternate periods of intense stretches with quick, powerful movements. This kind of exercise is not designed to make muscles larger but to make them more explosive and powerful instead.!
Is it OK to do plyometrics everyday?
Plyometric exercises can be done every day, but should not be overworked and introduced slowly and gradually. If not executed properly, plyometrics can aggravate any pre-existing injuries. Always warm up thoroughly before performing these exercises to avoid any potential injuries linked to sudden movements or stress on vulnerable regions of the body.!
Do explosive exercises build muscle?
Yes, explosive exercises do build muscle. They are designed to work the muscles at high capacities which increase the likelihood of hypertrophy. Plyometric exercises also improve coordination and balance.
If you want to build muscle, then plyometrics is a great option! The workout requires you to use your muscles at a high capacity which increases the likelihood of hypertrophy. Plyometric exercises also improve coordination and balance. If you are looking for a challenging workout that will improve your strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility then give plyometrics a try!