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Does Cardio Burn Fat? Best Cardio Programs for Fat Loss at Home

Does Cardio Burn fat

For a very long-time people have been trying to figure out a way to lose weight without having to exercise. There are indeed many other ways too, but one of the best and most efficient ones would be cardio.

Before we delve into the discussion of whether cardio can burn fat or not, it is important to understand what exactly cardio is.

What is Cardio?

Cardio stands for cardiovascular exercise, which means any kind of physical activity that elevates the heart rate to improve the cardiovascular system. While there are many forms of cardio, the most popular ones would be running and cycling.

Now let us understand how exactly cardio can help in losing weight. The basic principle behind this is that cardio training is designed in a way that it burns calories, which could then be used by the body to help burn fat.

However, just any form of cardio exercise will not do. If one wants to lose weight, then one has to engage in high-intensity interval training. This means that one has to perform short bursts of really hard work and then slow down and recover.

How does cardio help in fat loss?

Let’s look at the reasons that make cardio a great tool for fat loss:

Cardio Burns More Calories Than Resistance Training

Studies have shown that cardio can burn more calories than resistance training. This is because when one is performing cardio, they are working against gravity and it is this constant work that leads to increased calorie expenditure.

Cardio Can Help Burn Fat Even After You Stop Exercising

This is a great benefit of cardio and is something that many people do not know about. When you are performing cardio, your body is constantly burning calories, even when you are not working out. This is known as the afterburn effect and it means that you can continue to lose weight long after you have finished your workout.

How does cardio help in fat loss

Cardio Can Combat Boredom

One of the major reasons why many people do not get on to cardio is because they are bored by it. However, with so many different ways in which one can perform cardio, this problem does not exist anymore. There are so many options available that there is no reason for anyone to be bored while performing cardio.

Cardio Can Help You Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

This is another benefit of high-intensity interval training. When you are performing cardio in this way, you are not just burning fat, but you are also building muscle. This is because the short bursts of hard work help to create an anabolic environment in the body, which means that the body also ends up building more muscle.

Which cardio burns the most fat?

List of Important Cardio Exercises that can be most useful for losing weight;

Running/Walking on Stairs

This is one of the most effective ways to do interval training and it can be done without any equipment at all. All you need to do is find a set of stairs in your neighborhood or near your house and then climb up and down the stairs in an interval pattern. This will help you to build leg strength and burn fat at the same time.

Climbing Ropes

This is another cardio exercise that can be performed without any equipment and it helps to improve cardiovascular function. All you need to do is climb a rope using both your hands and feet at the same time. This will help to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.

High-Intensity Interval Training

This is one of the most efficient ways to do cardio training and it can be done using a variety of different equipment. The basic principle behind this type of training is that you have to work hard for about 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds, and then repeat the cycle twice more. This will help you to burn up to 9 times more fat than long, steady-state cardio.

Which cardio burns the most fat

Riding a Stationary Bike

This is another popular cardio exercise that can be performed without any equipment. All you need to do is find yourself in an empty room and then start riding on a stationary bike like the one at the gym. Keep pedaling as hard as you can for about 30 seconds and then rest for 90 seconds. Repeat the cycle three times to get a good cardio workout.

Skipping Rope

If you have a skipping rope in your home, then you can perform this exercise in the comfort of your own house without any equipment at all. All you need to do is spend about 10 minutes skipping as hard as you can to burn up calories and lose weight.

Rowing on an Ergometer

This is an activity that is similar to rowing on the water and it is one of the most efficient cardio workouts. All you need to do for this exercise is go to a gym with an ergometer machine and start rowing as hard as you can for about 30 seconds. Rest for 90 seconds and then repeat the cycle three times.

Jumping Jacks

This is a classic cardio exercise that can be done without any equipment at all. All you need to do is stand with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Then, jump and spread your legs and raise your hands above your head. Keep jumping like this for about 10 minutes to burn up calories.


This is another great way to improve cardiovascular function while losing weight at the same time. All you need to do is find a track or a large stretch of road that has no traffic on it and then start sprinting. Sprint as hard as you can for about 30 seconds and then rest for 90 seconds. Repeat the cycle three times to get a good cardio workout.


This is another great way to do cardio without any equipment. All you need to do is find a swimming pool and start swimming laps. Swim as hard as you can for about 30 seconds and then rest for 90 seconds. Repeat the cycle three times to get a good cardio workout.

Will 30 minutes of cardio burn fat?

Yes, 30 minutes of cardio will help to burn fat. However, it is important to note that the type of cardio that you do is just as important as the amount of time that you spend doing it.

Performing high-intensity interval training or other types of intense cardio will help you to burn more fat in a shorter period than long, steady-state cardio. So, if your goal is to lose weight, then you should focus on doing high-intensity interval training instead of traditional cardio.

When done correctly, interval training can be a more efficient way to burn fat than long, slow cardio. This type of training involves working hard for a short period and then resting for a short period.

By doing this, you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time than if you were to do traditional cardio. A study published in the Journal of Obesity showed that interval training helped participants to lose more weight and body fat than traditional cardio.

So, if you are looking to burn fat, then you should include interval training in your workout routine. This type of training can be done with any type of cardio exercise, including running, cycling, and swimming. Start by doing a short warm-up and then perform high-intensity intervals for 20-30 minutes. Then, finish up with a cool down. You will be amazed at how.

List of Home Workouts that Uses Cardio Workouts

Here we are going to share some of the popular home workouts that utilize the full potential of cardio for fat loss;


This workout routine is created by popular Australian fitness blogger Kayla Itsines. The program consists of a 12-week cycle, each week including three different cardio workouts. These workouts can be done at home with no equipment required.

This session combines low-intensity cardio, high-intensity interval training, and guided strength training circuit routines to increase your heart rate and challenge your muscles.

For full detailed guide, you can buy BBG detailed guide.

Core de Force

This program is a mix of martial arts and cardio exercises that can be done at home with no equipment required. The workouts are designed to be high-intensity and challenging, so you will see results if you stick with them.

If you are interested, you can get a detailed program by clicking on Core de Force workout guide.

The HIIT 100s

This is a great workout program for getting lean and building muscle. It includes three different 10-minute high-intensity interval training workouts that you can do at home with no equipment required. The program was created by fitness trainer Jorge Cruise, so it works.

You can get detailed program by clicking on HIIT 100s workout guide.


This is another popular workout program that you can do at home with no equipment. It is a 60-day program that includes nine different workouts, all targeting your abs in some way.

You can have this by clicking on Cize complete workout schedule.

List of Home Workouts that Uses Cardio Workouts

Insanity Workout

This is a 60-day workout program created by Shaun T. The workouts are high-intensity and require no equipment, so they can all be done at home. This is another great program for getting lean and building muscle at the same time. It works if you stick with it.

For more details, you can checkout our article on Insanity workout review.


This high-intensity interval training program consists of four different workouts. The workouts are designed to be challenging, so you will see results if you stick with them.

For full program, Click on Turbofire fitness guide.

Body Beast

This workout routine combines both strength training and cardio in one workout session. It is a 90-day program that includes nine different 10-minute high-intensity interval training workouts that can be done at home with no equipment required.

If you are interested, you can get detailed program by clicking on body beast workout guide.


From this article, it is easy to conclude that cardio exercises for weight loss are an important part of any fat loss plan. Perform these exercises regularly to help burn fat and lose weight quickly.